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HTML5, CSS3 e JavaScript: Web app per tutti gli schermi

Marco Casario
Marco has been passionate about informatics since he was little more than a child and used to program games in Basic for Commodore 64 before dedicating himself, while still very young, to innovative projects for the web using Javascript and Flash. In 2001, he began to collaborate with Macromedia. Since that year he has produced and headed a long series of presentations, conferences and articles, which you can find listed in detail in his blog (




Non esiste il mobile web, il tablet web o il desktop web. E’ sempre lo stesso web solo fruito da dispositivi diversi. In questa sessione rivolta ai web developer, web designer e User Interface designer, verranno mostrate le tecniche HTML5, CSS3 e Javascript, gli UX design patterns e le ottimizzazioni necessarie a creare le applicazioni del futuro: quelle che saranno fruibili da qualsiasi dispositivo. Marco Casario, autore del libro HTML5 Solutions ed Essential CSS3 tecniques (Apress) condividerà le esperienze reali, fatte durante la gestione dei progetti di Comtaste degli ultimi anni.
